Owner Ana's card - Flatio
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Ana D.
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Spacious & Sunny near the center + Office Space
Spacious & Sunny near the center + Office Space
Spacious & Sunny near the center + Office Space
Spacious & Sunny near the center + Office Space
Spacious & Sunny near the center + Office Space
Spacious & Sunny near the center + Office Space
Spacious & Sunny near the center + Office Space
Spacious & Sunny near the center + Office Space
Spacious & Sunny near the center + Office Space
Spacious & Sunny near the center + Office Space
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
1. 6. - 14. 6. (14 days)
45  32  / night
All utilities included
About me
My name is Ana, I'm a Digital Nomad myself, I live in the apartment half of the year and the other half I travel so I sublet it. Please respect my space as if it were your home, I try to do the same when I travel too :)

Last online
5 months
Registration on Flatio
Νοέμβριος 2023

Ana is a verified owner.
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