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Who is a typical Flatio tenant?

The article was updated on 10. 5. 2024.

Which tenant types does Flatio accommodate and what is their ratio? Check out our up-to-date information in this article!

There are many reasons why people want to rent an accommodation for a couple of months. We're privileged to have many different types of clients!

Most of our customers are digital nomads, young location-independent professionals who work online while traveling, and people looking for a mid-term accommodation for professional reasons. Those could be for example company managers need temporary housing while they deal with a situation at a branch or for their new employees while they complete a trainee program. Tenants relocating for work make up about 50% of all our tenants, and their share is largely corporate bookings made through Flatio for Business, which allows companies to find housing for current or prospective employees.

Another large portion of our customers are students. Mostly they participate in the Erasmus study program, are traditional college students looking for accommodation for one or two semesters, or are doing an internship. This group makes up about 25% of all Flatio customers.

An equally large part of our clientele is made up of families or couples who're looking for accommodation because their own home is being renovated or built. We also have customers who need accommodation for a few weeks or months due to medical treatment, or people who're traveling to learn about new cultures, spend their vacation, or visit their friends and relatives. This group is one of the most diverse and makes up the remaining 25% of our clientele.

Whoever sends you a reservation request, remember that you always have access to data that will help you make an informed decision about whether or not to rent your accommodation.

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