Flatio - Monthly rentals with a human touch
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Mariana P.
Μάρτιος 2021
Mariana stayed 4 months in Prague
Vacasa closed its activity in the middle of the contract so we had to move out of the house. They were helpful but it was hard
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Lucie K.
Φεβρουάριος 2021
Lucie stayed 4 days in Prague
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Airi Y.
Φεβρουάριος 2021
Airi stayed 1 month in Prague
Owner was pretty kind, quick response, always supportive.

But system of renting this apartment wasn’t that easy to be honest. Fist you will have to go their office to get a key, and you will move to the apartment you will rent.

And apartment it self wasn’t that clean, found a cigarette butt in the bed, a lot of dirt on the shelve, dish washer doesn’t open all the way, hair dryer wasn’t work at all, dishes are not super clean...

Second day of stay owner provide cleaning lady for me, it was nice. But bit scared that someone will come while my all stuff is in that apartment...

Location was great, owner was always nice, just hope they will change the system bit better.

Thank you.

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Marcelina K.
Ιανουάριος 2021
Marcelina stayed 3 months in Prague
Staying in touch with Blaza was super easy
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Louise C.
Δεκέμβριος 2020
Louise stayed 4 months in Prague
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Mikaela R.
Δεκέμβριος 2020
Mikaela stayed 3 months in Prague
Julia is great and easy to contact.
The apartment is super well equipped, spacy and modern. Absolutely everything we needed as a family.
The apartment has a bit of a problem with mold in the master bedroom. Good to know if you are sensitive to mold.
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Fabian M.
Δεκέμβριος 2020
Fabian stayed 4 months in Prague
Richard was a very friendly and welcoming host. The reaction time to any question or request was almost instantanious. This stretched from things like an earlier arrival and handing over keys, solving issues with the internet or adjusting the contract. I cannot underline too much, how rare this is! The property itself was a little bit too cozy and had it's quirks, but hey, it was just as advertised and came with the whole flatio package (plus, some beer in the fridge ;-) ). So no surprises there. The location of the property is really good, making it a great place to slowly start to getting to know Prague.

Overall, I had a very enjoyable stay!
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Radka E.
Νοέμβριος 2020
Radka stayed 1 month in Prague
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Allison W.
Νοέμβριος 2020
Allison stayed 2 months in Prague
The beds in the flat were covered in urine stains, some blood and maybe even vomit as well. They smelled. I tried to come to an agreement with the landlord and generously offered to split the cost of a new mattress from Ikea because I planned to be there a long time. He refused and brought over two mattresses that were even more stained. The apartment was dirty when I moved in also - I don't think cleaning happens between visits. Also, FYI - during the warmer months, there's a beer garden next door - the live accordion player performs 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. EVERYDAY. Heads up if you're planning on spending time in the apartment.
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Titas C.
Νοέμβριος 2020
Titas stayed 10 months in Brno
This has been my first stay in Europe accompanied with my family. So the good or bad for me this experience will be a learning for my future stay as well as lifelong.
The good things about the owners.
1) The couple (Martin and Monika) are too good to communicate. They have a good grasp on English, so am sure from a communication perspective they will be a great help for any new bees to Brno.
2) They are professional but also cooperative. During the initial days when we can be shaky a bit, getting to know European lifestyle , they comes pretty handy as they give that space and channel to understand and cooperate
3) They are helpful to a certain extent and will try to accommodate things to certain extent.
Now not so good things, but definitely a scope to improve.
1) As we understand they too leased the apartment for the first time to a family with kid so they were also getting a first hand experience. So I believe they will be more experienced in terms of utility usage and other things that comes with family.
2) They need to understand that it depends on person to person as well as situation in regards to going out of house and spending times. Firstly when they assumed the humidity causes dampness to walls, they should also take this into account like its a pandemic situation so mostly guys should stay indoors . This will lead to usage of gas, utilities and will lead to humidity. This should have been taken into account while renting next time.
3)The room at basement is good for short term, the equipments were working( though the dishwasher needs to be replaced as that got damaged and the owner replaced them promptly within 3 weeks). But for long term I don't feel this is a valid choice, as dampness shows up in wall when it rains. We have approached the owner from our end first and reporting them about dampness that shows up in wall. They came back that's due to humidity inside, but we expected they should have taken a look about the wall as well as the rain factor.
4) During the handover of flat, few items were really damaged by us and we take that responsibility, but the dampness of doors and walls as well as the crack in bathroom tiles( I noticed on the first day, I took handover) also was listed as damage done by us. I felt those could have been taken out of consideration on an honest basis. At the end its difficult for tenant to realize how the doors will behave with humidity or wall will show up dampness during the first day of handover.
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Gargie K.
Οκτώβριος 2020
Gargie stayed 1 month in Lisbon
To start with the neighborhood was VERY LOUD even during after hours. When trying to complain I was told that if it’s bothering maybe call the police (why on earth do I want to do that and get involved with such things what do ever).

Our deposit was handed to us almost 3-4 weeks after our checkout.

Wifi was slow

The bathroom or the kitchen would have some sort of malfunctioning.

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Michaela F.
Οκτώβριος 2020
Michaela stayed 1 month in Prague
Byt je přímo v centru a má balkón, což je velkou výhodou. Na druhou stranu určitě neodpovídá ceně, za kterou je nabízen. Ihned po nastěhování jsem byla překvapená, že v bytě nebylo moc uklizeno. Poté jsem našla několik závad (nefunkční světla, ucpaný odtok ve sprše, rozvrzaná postel, chybějící klíč k bezpečnostnímu zámku...), o kterých jsem druhý den majitelku informovala. Slíbila mi, že závady nechá odstranit, ale nestalo se tak (v bytě jsem byla měsíc). Jinak majitelka byla milá a vstřícná.

Co je ještě potřeba zmínit jsou sousedé. Pokud se chcete v klidu vyspat, tak tento byt pro vás není vhodný.
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Galyna G.
Σεπτέμβριος 2020
Galyna stayed 2 months in Prague
- prostorný, moderně zařízený,
- hezký výhled do parku
- blízkost do metra a nákupního centra
- vlastní garáž
- nevhodný k dlouhodobému pronájmu pro nedostatečnou vybavenost : není pračka, na chodbě není žádný nábytek ani věšák, takže nemáte kam odložit věci a obuv
- zahrada před domem je oblíbeným místem feťáků, skoro každou noc musíte poslouchat jejích hlasité hádky
- klimatizace v bytě není a okna jsou orientována na jih, za horkých dnů je v bytě nesnesitelné vedro ( 28-30 st. C)
- komunikace s pronajímatelem občas vázne
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Raphaela K.
Σεπτέμβριος 2020
Raphaela stayed 21 days in Prague
nice basic flat in a great area of the city
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Phil B.
Αύγουστος 2020
Phil stayed 2 months in Prague
Great location, excellent spot especially if you use the tram. Big oldish flat. Not very well sound proofed from the neighbor above your head. It's having having an elephant stomping all day, all night...
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Sofia Š.
Αύγουστος 2020
Sofia stayed 3 months in Prague
What the owner failed to mention early on was the fact that the apartment is located directly next to a bar, so there were times where people were sitting in front of the window to the living room and it disturbed my privacy. Yes there are curtains but having them pulled 24/7 isn't the best either. Also the pest control had to be called 3x during my 3 month stay since the apartment clearly has a problem with bugs that needs to be taken more seriously. Also worth mentioning is the construction work that started in the apartment above me a few days before I was supposed to leave. It wasn't the best waking up at 7am and hearing men talk very loudly whilst drilling into a wall. I tried to contact flatio multiple times in helping me resolve this problem but they weren't able to provide me with a refund unless the owner agreed to which he didn't. Overall I wouldn't stay again. I manage 7 apartments in Prague and I cannot imagine renting out a apartment in that form.
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Nadine S.
Αύγουστος 2020
Nadine stayed 7 months in Budapest
The flat was different from what we expected. However the contact with the landlord was great.
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Vitaly R.
Ιούλιος 2020
Vitaly stayed 2 months in Prague
All electronic appliances were broken from the beginning but quickly replaced. The apartment has insufficient maintenance: broken handles, peeling paint, problems with hot water and water pressure.
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Bronislav R.
Ιούλιος 2020
Bronislav stayed 18 days in Prague
Skvělá lokalita. Check-in/check-out bez problému. Na delší bydlení bych, ale koukl po něčem větším.
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Florian N.
Ιούλιος 2020
Florian stayed 5 months in Bratislava
Decent place to stay.
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Damian H.
Ιούλιος 2020
Damian stayed 1 month in Prague
Docela v pohodě
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Jan K.
Ιούνιος 2020
Jan stayed 3 months in Brno
V bytě jsem bydlel 3 měsíce. Od poloviny března do poloviny června 2020. Byt je dobře umístěn vzhledem k zeleni a tramvajové trati do centra Brna. Pozor, byt má zvláštní vchod mimo hlavní vchod (a z druhé strany domu) a je prosklený, což mi nepřišlo příliš bezpečné. Jedná se o přízemní byt, kde přístup na terasu je omezen pouze nezamykatelnou brankou a nízkým zábradlím. Celá oblast těchto staveb lze nazvat uzavřenou (enklávní). Parkování před domem je možné, ale bývá často plné. Televize ze společné antény není k dispozici a ani externí anténa nepomůže (téměř žádný signál). Internet je v bytě k dispozici, ale je velmi pomalý a nestabilní (DSL). Byt je v průměrném stavu a vyžaduje větší investici (obkladačky, podlahy). Zanedbanost. Nábytek odpovídá 90.létům (skříně z 80. let, židle na kolečkách na rozpadnutí, apod.). Výhodou je velká vana, ale napuštění díky slabému plynovému kotli je na vícekrát. Spotřebiče v kuchyňském koutu jsou nové (pl. sporák, lednice, trouba, mikrovlnná trouba). Vybavení kuchyně (nádobí, apod.) je nedostatečné i pro 1 osobu (např. 1 hrnec, žádná pánev). A když už, tak staré a nekvalitní. Veškeré vybavení do kuchyně jsem měl vlastní. K bytu náleží opravdu velká terasa. Orientace téměř čistý jih. V bytě jsem byl nucen při příchodu kompletně uklidit do čista (několik hodin) a bylo zde po částečných úpravách v kuchyni (spotřebiče, atd. mnoho zbytků po těchto úpravách (piliny). Úložného prostoru je relativně mnoho, ale cca 1/2 z něj tvoří různé věci majitele bytu (sklad). Nachází se zde futonový typ postele, na které však nejde spát a musel jsem si přivést vlastní. Pokud spadnou pojistky, tak musíte zvonit na cizí sousedy z druhé strany domu (stalo se 2x). Majitel klíče od hlavního vchodu, kde je centrální pojistková skříň, nepředává. Komunikace s majiteli bytu probíha se 2 osobami a byly řešeny i věci, které se netýkají přímo bydlení. Byt je originálně 2+kk, ale ložnice s postelí je zamčená. Byt jsem opustil výpovědí z mé strany a následnou dohodou dřívějším opuštění bytu. Původně jsem měl být až do začátku zaří.
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James R.
Ιούνιος 2020
James stayed 5 months in Prague
The apartment I rented is in the middle of construction site. Hammering and drilling, all the time. 6 days a week, 9 hours a day. One week they removed an entire ceiling from an adjacent apartment with chainsaws directly next to my kitchen. Another week they used several drills simultaneously to do work in the basement directly under my bedroom. The week I left there was a trench dug directly in front of my apartment door and a pit directly in front of the building. I spent the entire Covid-19 quarantine trying to teach online classes in this environment. I contacted the landlord at the beginning of April (after suffering with the noise for three weeks of working from home), and the response was that I should find out who ran the construction crew. By the middle of April I had had enough and wanted to discuss early termination of my contract, or at least an alternative flat I could move to. Flatio contacted the owner, who, and I quote, "...promised us (Flatio) that he will solve the situation immediately and that he will help you." I never heard a single word after that. I unilaterally terminated my lease at the end of April, and moved out at the end of May.

I realize the owner is not personally responsible for the construction in the building, which belongs to someone else. However, he:

1) Rented the apartment to me in January while construction was already underway without informing me of that fact;
2) Did absolutely nothing to try to alleviate the problem in any way or help find an alternative, and;
3) As far as I know, despite no longer being able to claim ignorance of the situation, immediately put the apartment back on the market.

What a pity. The apartment itself is in a good location and was basically in order when I moved in. However, it doesn't matter how nice a place is if you know that if there's a problem you are totally on your own. I do not recommend renting with this owner.

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Jonathan A.
Μάιος 2020
Jonathan stayed 16 days in Prague
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