Flatio - Monthly rentals with a human touch
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Read all reviews of Flatio from tenants and landlords or make your own experience. It's safe and easy.

Denis K. Tenant
Удобный поиск жилья, легкий механизм бронирования.
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11.08.2018 Prague
Ilija V. Tenant
easy to use
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25.09.2018 Prague
Andrea C. Tenant
The support team has always been very responsive when I've contacted them. Thank you very much :)
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24.09.2018 Prague
Max K. Tenant
It's easy to navigate throughout the site. As well as the great housing options!
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24.09.2018 Prague
Rui P. Tenant
it's easy to find accomodation
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24.09.2018 Bratislava
Martina S. Tenant
Přehlednost webových stránek.
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24.09.2018 Brno
Carmela U. Tenant
Overall a positive experience. I would definitively use flatio again in the future.
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09.10.2018 Brázdim
Francisco S. Tenant
The virtual tour is a very helpful tool.
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23.09.2018 Prague
Guilherme C. Tenant
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21.09.2018 Prague
Amber F. Tenant
Very easy to use
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21.09.2018 Berlin
Sharon S. Tenant
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21.09.2018 Prague
Sanela B. Tenant
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20.09.2018 Prague
Alessandro Pasquale T. Tenant
The variety of chances
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20.09.2018 Bratislava
Nicholas F. Tenant
User friendly website
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20.09.2018 Brno
Blake P. Tenant
The site is easily accessible. The information available is presented in a professional manner.
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19.09.2018 Prague
Daniel K. Tenant
Przejrzystość opłat oraz podanie jakie wyposażenie jest, w pokoju mieszkaniu. Przydatne jest także opisanie i przedstawienie na mapie położenia.
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19.09.2018 Prague
Sarka D. Tenant
Doporučila bych trochu zapracovat na propagaci, protože málokdo o této službě ví a věřím, že je spousta lidí, kteří by ji rádi využili.
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18.09.2018 Prague
Maroš R. Tenant
možnost rezervace bytu na kratš dobu
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03.07.2018 Brázdim
Imane R. Tenant
the site is easy to use and the quality of the rooms and appartements are nice
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18.09.2018 Berlin
Merle S. Tenant
The short duration rent
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18.09.2018 Prague
Mike T. Tenant
I had one payment issue that turned out to be an issue at my bank, but the communication from Flatio originally indicated that payment had been made
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24.09.2018 Prague
Michal D. Landlord
Všechno je v pořádku.
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16.09.2018 Prague
Eva Č. Landlord
Zintenzivnit reklamu, aby se hlásilo více zájemců :)
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16.09.2018 Prague
Paul R. Tenant
Security and it's easy to use
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16.09.2018 Prague